Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Drumroll, Please!

Oh, gosh! This is it! My first REAL giveaway, of something that actually has dimensionality. (I mean, I send you my love and best wishes every day, and while that may be tax-free, I'm the first to recognize that love and best wishes are not as exciting as the Grand Poo-Bah of DeStuffifying Prizes.)

But in order to add to the suspense, and since I don't take commercial breaks nearly as often as they do at the Academy Award presentations, I'll explain my methodology.

First I wrote down the names of everyone who joined in de-stuffying during 2014. I prove that with a picture of the in-progress name-writing-down:

Then I folded the names and put them into a fancy-schmancy piece of heirloom Fostoria (see top photo). At that point I called in a guest random name drawer, and it was this woman!

Sylvia! My friend from the Peace Corps whom I had not seen in THIRTY-FIVE YEARS until she spent the night in the House on the Corner last night. She still looks as if she could jump on her motorcycle and ride off to visit a school in the campo.

Being completely unbiased, Sylvia reached into the fancy-schmancy piece of heirloom Fostoria and pulled out the name of...


Great choice, since leafyNell says "We moved out of our first house this year. We'd lived there 12 years and over those years we'd gained: my mom and her stuff, a first baby boy and all the little baby stuff that is somehow huge, and a second baby boy who added more stuff. Combined with the fact that both my mom and I are pack-rats, moving was a great de-stuffifier. Our goal was to start out in the new house with nothing to squirrel-away in the attic. Goal achieved!"

Good job, leafyNell!

Also, since I do not know leafyNell in real life, unlike most of the other entrants, no one can yell that I was prejudiced and picked her because I love her to pieces. I mean, I might love her to pieces but I haven't really met her yet. If it makes you feel any better, I have entered countless blog giveaways in the past and my success rate in being a randomly-chosen winner still stands at zero percent.

You're all winners in my book, and I send you my love and best wishes. I just won't send you the Grand Poo-Bah of Prizes. leafyNell, I'm sending that to YOU!

One final detail that is probably important: I put the wrong email address in my last post about the giveaway. Sheesh. If you entered this drawing and would like a consolation prize knitted dishcloth or are leafyNell and would like your Grand Poo-Bah Prize, email me at momqueenbee4@gmail.com. 

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