The story of my week can pretty much be summed up in a photo tour that begins at the end of my sidewalk. Please stay with the tour, and save your questions until we have finished.
This is my lawn. The MomQueenBee family lives at the corner of Drainage Street and Halfway Down the Hill. That means that when the torrential rains came on Wednesday night, debris from other people's lawns washed over our lawn, clear up to the bottom step of the porch. It is not pretty.
This is on our front porch. We have no clue who put it there. None. We suspect that the Gas Bottle Fairy has discovered our house and is now leaving us little pick-me-ups.
This is Wednesday's newspaper, completely unread after the hubbub of Tuesday night. If you were to continue on our extended photo tour, you would find Thursday's paper similarly unread in the dining room. It's not been a good week for reading newspapers. Or, obviously, for cleaning off the kitchen island.
This is the bag I packed when Husband called at 10 p.m. after the storm, letting me know that the roof had blown off our church and that I needed to bring him some tools. I packed two cordless drills, without working batteries, and a flashlight. I am nothing if not useful. That bag was all we needed to repair this:
Or not.
While this is a wrenching sight to those of us who have loved our little church, it's also a witness to God's grace (especially toward the 100 or so kids at Wednesday night activities who took shelter in the basement and emerged without a scratch) and to His timing in ripping the roof off a sanctuary we have planned to remodel. I believe He's ready for us to proceed. And that brings us back to my kitchen, where you will find this:
When the roof ripped off the sanctuary I was not worried about the electronics, or the carpet, or the hymnals. My first thought was for our Yamaha piano, which I love with the love of 10,000 angels and which, if I had to choose between it and my children, I might have to take a second before I made the right choice. In a lifetime of playing pianos I looooove this one the most. And when the piano restorer removed the tarps and shook off the fallen shingles and got down to the instrument she found only a couple of swelled keys, and no other damage. You won't find me complaining about the soaked piano cover drying in my kitchen.
And finally, we come to the end of the tour with this.
Even before Wednesday night's storm hit, the woman in whose basement our study group waited out the sirens had been having a crummy day. She sent out the word: Bring chocolate.
She is a wise, wise woman.
Any questions?
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