I have one clip on the refrigerator that's kept at eye level where I can't possibly ignore it. This is where the extra-special-important papers are kept.
Every once in a while, though, the clip gets so full it loses its will to live. Then I have to go through the papers and discard the ones that are no longer important. This happened a few days ago.
I found the orders my mother-in-law will need when she has a medical procedure in a few weeks. (They're shown in the photo above, with the name expertly edited out. Now you see why I hire graphic designers.)
Then there's the yummy recipe I found for slow cooker chicken lentil soup. I might wait until the Boys have gone back to school to try this one. (You're welcome, Boys, with your inherited-from-your-father dislike of lentils.)
Dig down another layer and it's a menu from one of my favorite finds during the past year, E-Mealz. Menus and shopping lists, all for $5 per month. Love, love, love it. And this is an uncompensated review.

Finally I get down to the bottom layers, and hey! What do you know! The menu and to-do list from exactly one year ago.
I was wondering what to cook for Christmas dinner and now I don't have to reinvent the wheel, or the list.
The gingerbread man's clippy enthusiasm mirrors my own. I have perfected procrastination.
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